Sod Care 101

Sod Care 101 Installing sod is the best way to have a beautiful lawn without the hassle of treating and growing grass. However, the sod requires special care to get it established and look its best. The below guide will teach you everything you need to know about sod care 101. Watering Schedule Watering

Sod Care 1012022-10-11T18:40:08+00:00

How to Tell If Your Sod Is Rooted

How to Tell if Your Sod Is RootedTo answer this question, first, we need to figure out why your neighbor has the best grass in the area before we can answer your query. That lush, healthy grass everyone seems to be gazing over.You, too, can have a lawn that's the talk of the block; all

How to Tell If Your Sod Is Rooted2022-09-13T21:25:31+00:00