How to Tell If Your Sod Is Rooted

How to Tell if Your Sod Is RootedTo answer this question, first, we need to figure out why your neighbor has the best grass in the area before we can answer your query. That lush, healthy grass everyone seems to be gazing over.You, too, can have a lawn that's the talk of the block; all

How to Tell If Your Sod Is Rooted2022-09-13T21:25:31+00:00

Tips for Planning Your Garden

Tips for Planning Your Garden There are many benefits to growing your own garden. You likely know many of them already. When it comes to getting started, it can feel like there are a million things to learn, from when to begin to what to plant and then how to care for your garden

Tips for Planning Your Garden2022-10-13T20:06:06+00:00

5 Ways Rocks can Create a Beautiful Home Landscape

5 Ways Rocks can Create a Beautiful Home Landscape Rocks are a wonderful way to add interest to your landscaping. Use everything from small stones to large boulders to create amazing spaces throughout your property. The reason rocks work so perfectly in landscaping is because they provide much-needed texture and contrast to any outdoor space.

5 Ways Rocks can Create a Beautiful Home Landscape2022-10-13T19:52:53+00:00

Want to Spruce Up Your Landscape? Try a Retaining Wall

Want to Spruce Up Your Landscape? Try a Retaining Wall Your landscape is certainly an important part of your home. Landscaping adds curb appeal, increases home value, and gives you an opportunity to show off your home's personality. But if your landscape is a bit dull, you may be looking for a new opportunity

Want to Spruce Up Your Landscape? Try a Retaining Wall2022-10-13T19:45:08+00:00

What to Know About Watering Trees and Plants in the Winter

What to Know About Watering Trees and Plants in the Winter Keeping your landscape trees and perennials beautiful means giving them the right amount of water all year. Many people think that watering your landscape is something that stops once the leaves begin to fall. In some years, like this one, Colorado Springs does not

What to Know About Watering Trees and Plants in the Winter2022-10-13T18:44:31+00:00

Drought-Resistant Plants That Are Good for Xeriscaping

Drought-Resistant Plants That Are Good for Xeriscaping Xeriscaping is a wonderful way to reduce your carbon footprint. When you choose drought-resistant plants to fill your yard, you are creating a sustainable landscape that uses less water than traditional green spaces. In fact, studies have shown that xeriscaping can reduce your water usage by 50

Drought-Resistant Plants That Are Good for Xeriscaping2022-10-13T18:12:10+00:00